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- From: SHANE NOLAN Date: 03-27-95 19:47
- To: ALL Msg#: 446
- Subj.: CNI News v4.5 1/3
- Area: UFONews
- CNI News - Volume 4.5
- March 20, 1995
- The stories in this edition of CNI News are:
- ISCNI encourages you to respond to stories in CNI News.
- * Public responses can be posted on the Forum message board in topic 28,
- "News Center Feedback"
- * Private responses can be emailed to ISCNI, subj: CNI News Editor
- The next edition of CNI News will appear on Thursday, March 23.
- ========================================================
- By Ian Simpson
- BRASILIA (Reuter) - Belying a sterile drabness that even the president of
- Poland criticized, Brazil's capital is alive with New Age sects, UFO
- enthusiasts and hallucinatory tea drinkers who have included British rocker
- Sting.
- Mysticism inspired by Brasilia's location, its creation and prophecies
- reaches into the cabinet offices and military headquarters of the
- fifth-biggest country on Earth.
- Analysts say an atmosphere where crystals salesmen go door to door and
- taxi drivers chat of astral planes makes the capital unique in Latin America.
- "There are literally hundreds of sects. The number you could find in all
- of California or Colorado, that's what you'd find in Brasilia," said Jose
- Jorge de Carvalho, an anthropology professor at the University of Brasilia.
- "You could say that Brasilia is the first non-Catholic capital in Latin
- America," said Carvalho, now a visiting professor at Houston's Rice
- University.
- Brasilia's image is such that the local government wants to cash in on
- it to boost tourism. Plans are under way for a convention of flying saucer
- devotees, with Federal District Tourism Minister Maria Lourdes Abadia saying,
- "I want Brasilia to be the gateway to the mystical world."
- As it is, the biggest tourist draw by far is the Goodwill Legion's
- seven-sided pyramid-shaped temple topped with a 21-kg (46-pound) crystal.
- More than 220,000 people last year visited the temple, where barefoot
- worshippers circle on inlaid marble spirals with palms upwards the better to
- channel cosmic energy.
- The ecumenical sect's devotees see the huge crystal as "a catalyst of
- natural energy symbolising the unifying nature of God," said Legion spokesman
- Vladimir Alves Coite.
- Rock singer Sting is the best-known among recent visitors to Brasilia
- seeking spiritual enlightenment.
- The entertainer, a defender of Brazil's rainforest, spent his New Year's
- Eve outside Brasilia attending ceremonies of the Vegetable Union, a group
- devoted to the use of a bitter hallucinogenic tea from the Amazon jungles
- called ayahuasca.
- Ayahuasca is used by the Vegetable Union and its allied sect Santo Daime
- in rituals that can include chanting, wind chimes, taped whale cries and
- dancing until dawn.
- "With this tea ritual you are much more conscious of what is going on in
- your life and work," said Edmir Oliveira, a masseur turned Santo Daime guru,
- before starting a ceremony surrounded by candles, statues of saints, Stars of
- David, books on Hinduism and numerology and a cross with a crystal at its
- junction.
- Brasilia's lively spiritualism comes despite its reputation for
- sterility. Even Polish President Lech Walesa criticized the endless freeways
- and worn concrete high-rises on a recent visit, saying, "The buildings are
- just like we have in Poland."
- The attraction of Brasilia's scrubland plateau for such groups as the
- New Acropolis, the Extraterrestrial Team of Sobradinho and the Valley of the
- Dawn Aquarian community arises from several factors, said anthropologist
- Carvalho.
- Brasilia is built on rocks more than a billion years old, some of the
- most ancient on Earth. That makes the area safe, some believe, from
- earthquake and nuclear attack and the likely site for the return of Jesus
- Christ.
- The 19th-century mystic Dom Bosco also foresaw a great city arising in
- central Brazil that would start a new civilisation.
- The city is built on a pattern of a rough cross and was founded in 1960
- by President Juscelino Kubitschek, who foresaw in it a "dawning" for Brazil.
- Planners also distributed land to all religious groups and sects, not just
- the Catholic Church.
- Jose Roberto Mariano, an astrologer who has designed tarot cards based
- on Brasilia sites, said the city's greatest source of mystic energy arose at
- Kubitschek's tomb.
- "There's an energy rift there," he said. "The city is like the Grand
- Canyon in the United States, a centre of power."
- Reuter/Variety
- Transmitted: 95-03-08
- ========================================================
- by Gene Huff
- [Editor's Note: From the moment he "went public" in mid-1989, Bob Lazar
- became one of the most controversial figures associated with the UFO subject.
- The following report, to be presented in three parts, has been written by Las
- Vegas businessman Gene Huff, who probably knows more about Lazar's story than
- anyone but Bob himself. Gene believes Bob's claims and defends him; as such,
- skeptics may be inclined to dismiss Gene's views as unreliable. CNI News is
- well aware of accusations concerning Lazar's schooling (or lack of), legal
- difficulties, and other credibility problems. This report is offered as a
- basis for further discussion, and CNI News welcomes reader response. This
- report was originally posted on ALTUFO-L Digest on March 12 and is reproduced
- here with Gene Huff's permission. Gene can be reached by email at
- Gene's text follows:
- This is a synopsis of Bob Lazar's story which is being offered as a ground
- zero for future dialogue. After coming to the internet a short time ago, I
- noticed that people's knowledge of Bob's story varied widely. This is an
- effort to increase that knowledge base so people who either support or
- dismiss Bob's story do it for the right reasons. Bob's story is long and
- complex and in this document I've tried to condense it to a manageable size
- without omitting relevant points. I'm going to emphasize how things looked
- from my point of view. I won't elaborate on propulsion systems and things of
- that sort, so if you want that you can get it on the Lazar Tape and hear if
- from Bob himself. So here we go...
- In the late 1980's I was working as a real estate appraiser in Las Vegas, and
- still am for that matter. Bob Lazar, known as "Bob, the photo guy" to most
- Las Vegas appraisers, operated the photo lab that serviced many appraisers at
- that time. Bob and I had met in 1985 and by 1988 we had become friends and
- began to socialize together. Bob's wife, Tracy, usually did the photo
- deliveries to our office and, at first, I had talked to her and seen her a
- lot more than Bob. Periodically she would talk about when she and Bob lived
- in Los Alamos, not together, and I just presumed that he ran a photo lab down
- there. Bob and Tracy met when Tracy was hired to work at a business run buy
- Bob's first wife, Carol. Tracy's dad, Don Merck, worked at the Los Alamos
- National Lab (LANL from here on out) and that's how she happened to be living
- there. Don worked on the conventional charge that implodes and compresses the
- nuke material to make an atomic bomb explode.
- After Bob and I started socializing, I began to notice that he knew a
- lot about many things. I knew that he was somewhat of an egghead because,
- when he would do a rare photo delivery, he would drive a Honda CRX in which
- he had installed a jet engine. But his knowledge base extended far beyond
- that. There was little he didn't know about jet engines, combustion engines,
- electronics, computer hardware and software, etc. He even made some
- nitroglycerin one day while we sat talking at the kitchen table. We later
- took it out to the desert and blew it up; that's how I knew it was, indeed, a
- high energy explosive.
- Eventually, I asked him why he knew all of this stuff. He said, "I've
- got degrees in physics and electronic technology." I said, "Well, what's the
- difference between you and a scientist?" He said, "I AM a scientist." I said,
- >>> Continued to next message
- ---
- þ OLX 2.1 TD þ If it works, something went wrong.
- From: SHANE NOLAN Date: 03-27-95 19:47
- To: ALL Msg#: 447
- Subj.: CNI News v4.5 2/3
- Area: UFONews
- >>> Continued from previous message
- "Why didn't you tell me?" He said, "What did you want me to do, say hey man,
- I'm a scientist"? I said, "Yeah, I would have." He just shook his head and
- walked away. I later found out that he had worked at the Meson Physics
- facility at LANL.
- All this time, I just thought he was some guy who ran a photo lab and
- just happened to have an interest in jet engines. He also had, and still has,
- a rail type dragster with a jet engine from one of the military's first
- supersonic fighters. Anyway, in time, I met Bob's dad, Al; his mother,
- Phyllis; Tracy's dad, Don; Joe Vaninetti, an old friend from Los Alamos
- (Joe's last job at LANL was melting down plutonium. He is currently
- completing his masters in soils analysis (soils science?) up in Utah. You'll
- hear more about Joe later); Melissa Crey (maybe Cray), Joe's roommate and a
- physicist at LANL; and Jim Tagliani, and old friend and computer & electronic
- tech. All of these people seemed to think Bob was a scentist and, to this
- day, I have no reason to doubt him and numerous reasons to believe him. Jim
- Tagliani actually worked with Bob at Fairchild Electronics in southern
- California where Bob was the youngest electrical engineer ever to have worked
- there. This was a couple of years prior to Bob's Los Alamos job.
- At this point, in 1988, Bob was bored with the photo lab and had sent
- out resumes to various government labs to try and get back into another
- scientific job. Included on that list was Dr. Edward Teller, the father of
- the hydrogen bomb and scientific consultant to the last five or six
- presidents. Bob had met Teller in 1982 in Los Alamos when Teller was there
- lecturing. Coincidentally, at this same time, Bob's picture was on the front
- page of the Los Alamos Monitor newspaper. A staff writer named Terry England
- had done an article on Bob and a Honda CRX in which he had installed a jet
- engine. This wasn't the same jet CRX he had when I first met him. This
- article ran in the June 27, 1982 edition of that paper and in it they refer
- to Bob as, and I quote, "Lazar, a physicist at the Los Alamos Meson Physics
- Facility." It's difficult to believe that in a town of 10,000 scientists, who
- all have egos about their credentials, the only local newspaper could refer
- to Bob as a scientist if he was not one, at least not without any public
- outrage. Anyway, when Bob arrived early to hear Teller speak, there Teller
- sat reading the newspaper article about Bob. Bob used this as an avenue to
- introduce himself and they had a short chat about jets, etc. Bob later heard
- Teller's speech and that was that. So in 1988 when Bob sent out all of these
- resumes, he thought, why not take a shot?
- It had been a while since he sent out these resumes and one day I
- dropped by his house and asked him if he had heard any news. He said, "As a
- matter of fact, yeah, Edward Teller called me." I said, "Who's Edward
- Teller?" After he explained, I understood the importance of the call. Teller
- had responded by phone and said that he was no longer active, but currently
- worked in a chief consultant capacity. However, Teller did give Bob the name
- of a gentleman to call here in Las Vegas. Bob called this guy and talked to
- him and a short time later, someone from EG&G called Bob to set up an
- interview. EG&G is a company that has all kinds of high tech interests here
- at the Nevada Test Site. Bob threw away the piece of paper with the name
- Teller gave him on it. Remember, at this point in time, nobody knew what Bob
- was headed for and it's obvious that it would be nice to have that name now.
- So Bob went to EG&G for the interview. Bob later told me that he
- "dazzled" them by having every answer to some pretty complex questions and he
- was optimistic about getting the job. This was unusual because Bob isn't one
- to pat himself on the back. However, dazzling them temporarily backfired
- because they told him he was overqualified for the job and he didn't get it.
- They then told him not to lose hope because they had something coming up that
- he might be interested in. Ultimately, they called him back and hired him to
- work on a propulsion project in an "outer area."
- Bob reported to the EG&G building at McCarran airport, which had runway
- access, where he was met by Dennis Mariani. Mariani was a security man of
- medium build and heighth, about 35 to 40 years old, blond hair and a tightly
- cropped blond mustache. Mariani had a military look and manner, but he didn't
- wear a uniform. With Mariani as his escort, Bob was flown out to Area 51 at
- Groom Lake.
- At Area 51, Bob had to sign a secrecy agreement and an agreement to
- waive his constitutional rights, which is illegal but was made possible by an
- executive order with Ronald Reagan's signature on it. He also had to sign an
- agreement which allowed them to monitor his phone line. Bob already had "Q"
- clearance, which is top secret civilian clearance, at Los Alamos but he had
- never gone through anything like this. The clearance he was now attaining
- would require perpetual monitoring of his activities and would never simply
- be attained and forgotten about until the next review date. After some abrupt
- suggestions that he honor his secrecy agreement and watch his general
- conduct, he and Mariani boarded a bus with blacked out windows and took a 20
- to 30 minute ride down a bumpy dirt/gravel road. They arrived at a base near
- Papoose dry lake bed known as S4.
- S4 was a combination of buildings and hangars built into the side of a
- mountain. Armed guards were everywhere, and security was oppressive. Bob even
- got an armed escort when he went to the bathroom. They arranged Bob's I.D.
- and gave him a physical which included a test for allergic reactions to
- substances which were not identified for Bob. After this he was placed in a
- briefing room by himself to read some briefings as part of his
- indoctrination. As Mariani closed the door to leave Bob alone, Bob saw a
- poster on the back of the door. It was a "flying saucer" hovering over a dry
- lake bed and it was captioned, "They're Here." Bob opened the top folder on
- the desk and it contained 8 x 10 glossy photos of 9 different flying saucers,
- including the one on the poster.
- To this day, no one knows why Bob was selected for this project. Bob has
- a comprehensive knowledge base and is an excellent problem solver, but this
- may not be uncommon in the scientific community. Maybe the good word from
- Edward Teller carried a lot of weight. It's even possible that the nod from
- Teller carried more weight than was originally intended; no one knows.
- At this point in time, Tracy helped with the photo lab during the day
- and worked out at a health club and took flying lessons at night. Bob was on
- call for S4 and would generally be called to go out once every week or two.
- They said he'd be working on an on-call basis until he was "brought up to
- speed," at which time he would work on a more consistant basis. They'd always
- have Bob report in the late afternoon and work evenings which allowed him to
- maintain the photo lab during the day. Bob was now very secretive about his
- job and would only tell his wife and friends that he was working on something
- that required clearance. He eventually did tell us that he flew into Area 51
- when he went to work. We had no idea what he was actually doing and, because
- of that, none of us were overly curious as to what his project was.
- Around this same time, KLAS-TV, the CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, had been
- running local news shows featuring UFO researchers, which I found
- entertaining and intriguing. These shows were hosted by George Knapp, a local
- news anchor who is now high profile and arguably the most informative and
- motivating speaker on the UFO circuit. George doesn't speak as regularly as
- "UFO experts," but is infinitely more informed than them, especially about
- things ufological in Nevada. On these shows, much ado was being made about
- alleged UFOs and aliens at Area 51. Bob assured us that there were no UFOs at
- Area 51. As it ended up, he was telling the truth. They were at S4 and they
- were called "discs" and they were anything but "unidentified."
- Bob had been hired to be part of a "back engineering" team. Back
- engineering is the act of taking apart a finished product to find out what
- makes it tick. In this instance, their job was to back engineer a flying disc
- to see if it could be reproduced with earth materials. Bob's specific job was
- to help back engineer the propulsion system. In subsequent trips to S4, Bob
- was exposed to the propulsion system on a bench in a lab, as well as the
- propulsion system, in place, in a disc. In a sleek disc he would eventually
- nickname the "sport model," Bob had to hang upside down through an opening on
- the floor of the central level to view the gravity amplifiers on the lower
- level. He eventually witnessed a brief, low altitude test flight of this same
- disc. He was also taught how the discs are able to distort space/time to
- achieve interstellar travel. The "Sport Model" disc is currently being
- produced as a plastic model by the Testor Corporation.
- END Part One. To be continued.
- ========================================================
- by Linda Moulton Howe
- Bill Hill was a police officer in the Peoria, Illinois for twenty-five years
- and then retired to the mountain wilderness of Salmon, Idaho. He purchased
- some horses for his ranch which stretches along a dead-end road. There is no
- to help back entraffic because there is no way to go beyond his property.
- On January 12, 1995, he bought a healthy, young male buckskin. Then
- fourteen days later, he found the horse lying dead three hundred feet from
- his house on two inches of fresh snow.
- "I could not understand what I was looking at," Mr. Hill told me. "There
- were no tracks around the horse, no signs of struggle, and no blood. Yet, a
- large section of hide had been cut from the belly taking the surface skin of
- >>> Continued to next message
- ---
- þ OLX 2.1 TD þ If it works, something went wrong.
- From: SHANE NOLAN Date: 03-27-95 19:47
- To: ALL Msg#: 448
- Subj.: CNI News v4.5 3/3
- Area: UFONews
- >>> Continued from previous message
- the testicles and penis with it, but leaving the organs intact without the
- surface skin. On one side of the neck, there was a large hole that went in
- about two to three inches. The hole was filled with blood, but nothing was
- leaking onto the snow. And steam was rising from the wounds. So I must have
- come upon the horse soon after he was killed and cut up."
- Mr. Hill called the sheriff's office and a veterinarian. At first it was
- assumed the neck hole had been caused by a bullet. However, the veterinarian
- confirmed there was no bullet and that "nothing was broken up inside the
- neck." Mr. Hill said that when he asked the veterinarian about the wounds,
- she answered, "I have never seen anything like this before and I don't have
- any answers for you."
- # # #
- ---
- þ OLX 2.1 TD þ If it works, something went wrong.